Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 2 of the Dolce Diet Experiment

Day 2 turned out to be better in some ways, but worse in others.  The food that I ate actually tasted a lot better today.  Either I am getting better or more inventive at cooking or I am getting used to the flavors.  That was the good part.  The bad part was that I learned, the hard way, not to skip meals.  Being a mom makes it hard to follow any diet, especially one that wants you to eat at certain times.  An unexpected trip the doctor's with my son screwed up the day.  Not only was I unable to eat my lunch, but I failed to pack my afternoon snack.  Crap. 

The snacks really help get you through the day, but the meals are essential.  I left the house at lunch time to take one child to dance class.  My plan was to eat lunch a little late when I got back, but the unscheduled doctor's appointment prevented that.  Of course since the doctor's appointment was jammed into a weird part of the day, I had to go right from there to school to pick up my other daughter.  So I went from dance lessons, to the doctor's office and then to school.  Approximately 3 hours had passed from when I should have had lunch and worse it was time for snack and I did not bring it.  Normally I would have no problem skipping a meal or going all day without eating, but not today.  I was very hungry and becoming tired.  Between the doctor's and school pickup I found myself closing my eyes at traffic lights.  Once at school I was actually sleeping in the parking lot.  Good thing the dismissal bell was loud enough to wake me.  I could barely move.  I got the kids home and quickly inhaled a small snack and began to prepare the lunch that I missed.  I made lunch and ate it, but it was too late.  The effects of no food, took its toll.  I climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.  Hours later I dragged myself out of bed to make the kids dinner.  I am still exhausted as my body has not caught up from hitting rock bottom.  I have since had my dinner, but am still feeling off.  I am extremely thirsty and still tired.  I am not sure if I will be able to get through my workout tonight, which is the most disappointing part because I exercise every night.  I will wait until 8 to decide on working out or not.  Normally, even tired I would push myself to exercise, but am thinking twice after my body's response today.  If I don't exercise, I will try not to beat myself up over the blunder today, will go to bed early and have a do-over in the morning.

Day 2 got mixed reviews - I managed not to cheat and buy some crappy food on the road and I learned (painfully) to be prepared.  You can NOT skip meals on this plan.  The food is so targeted at fueling your body at particular times that there is nothing in reserve for when you run out. 

Lesson learned on Day 2:  Do not skip meals!

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