Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why the Dolce Diet?

I recently began kickboxing training.  I love the class and it has made a huge difference in my life.  In a few short months I managed to lose 25 lbs and have become much stronger.  This was done with little care for what I ate and no real change to my lifestyle.  The first 25 lbs came off easily, but the last few pounds are much harder to get rid of.  Being a Mixed Martial Arts fan, I have seen Mike Dolce on multiple occasions standing beside some of the most well known names in MMA.  His personal plan has helped these fighters to meet fight weights, but in a way that was easier and healthier than traditional weight cutting.  The plan describes how he personally lost 28 lbs in 21 days.  Clearly, he is a professional athlete and was under the supervision of trainers and doctors during his diet. 

I am not a professional athlete. I am just a regular normal everyday person that is looking for a way to make some healthy changes to my life.  If I was able to 25 lbs by just adding kickboxing training to my life, think about how much more successful I could be if a reworked my diet.  This is why I chose the Dolce Diet.  It is suppose to boost your burn and at the same time it maximizes your build. 

I was very curious how the Diet work, but honestly it is one of the best kept secrets out there.  There is really not a lot of research one can do to see what the plan is all about.  Since the only documented cases available for review were all professional athletes, I was concerned that this would not be appropriate for a regular person.  However, curiosity won out and I decided to take a chance and purchase the book.

Skeptical and doubtful, I read through the book the day I got it. Surprisingly my first reaction was "I can do this!". So I the following day I went through my re-education on food shopping and prepared mentally to take on the task.  I my goal is not to loose 30 lbs in 3 weeks.  I just want to see if I can stick to the plan, train myself to eat right and get rid of some bad habits. 

So I had to say some painful goodbyes.  Beer, Grey Goose and pizza were probably the hardest ones to let go, but it had to be done.  We had some good times together, and I hope to see them again soon, but we can't be friends for awhile.  Who knows when we do meet again, they may not even recognize me. 

With all my goodbyes taken care of and my commitment to this was Day 1.


  1. Hi FigtherGirl53,

    Congrats on your progress and success with the Dolce Diet. I just found your blog a couple of days ago and it’s been both inspirational and helpful.
    I was hoping that you could help me with some questions I have. I’ve been looking for info on the diet – just what types of food or types of restrictions. I’ve only seen people that say it works and nothing else about it or people that are totally against it – saying it’s only 20 pages with a lot of blank pages for a food log and you have to eat tons of salty food then cut out all salt to cut weight. Here’s a link - - maxtrainer about halfway down.

    Compared to what you did on your own to lose 25lbs, is the Dolce Diet worth it? I’ve also found this site - - that offers sample recipes, etc. – How does the DD compare?

    Sorry to ask so much, I know that you are a busy mother and have your own life. If you could answer and of these questions or at least point me in the right direction,
    I’d be very thankful.


  2. Losing 28 lbs in 21 days is bs. Max reccomended fat loss is 2 lbs a week. Anything more means you are just losing water weight (which is meaningless and will come right back when you start eating normally) or you are losing muscle (which makes you are idiot).

    Secondly, just because he claims he did something doesn't make it true. Tim Ferris makes all kinds of bs claims as well.

  3. Dear Spiritsplice: Just because 2 lbs per wk is the recommendation doesn't mean that more can't be done. For your information and edification, the weight that I lost was not water weight and I actually gained muscle mass during the process. It has been several months since I completed the 3 wk program (for which I skipped the last step of dehydrating), and I have not gained back any of the weight. You are entitled to your opinion, but you are the idiot for saying it doesn't work without even trying it. I stand by Mike Dolce & the Dolce Diet.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Dear Bryan:
    Thank you for your comments and I welcome the questions. Unfortunately when Mike Dolce gave me permission to write the blog I agreed that I would not disclose any of the specific details of the Diet. What I can tell you is yes, there are several pages available for personal notes and logging. Not sure why people are focusing on that. Making notes is just a tool that Mike Dolce suggests as a way to set and obtain goals. As for the salt issue; the spices used in the Diet are completely up to the user. I used very little salt when preparing the moslty organic food. For the one pre-made item that did contain some salt I actually did not eat. So, I disagree with the comments that it is all salt induced water retention and then dehydration. I found the Diet easy, totally do-able and resulted in real weight loss which I have kept off to this day.

    I wish you well!
    Best Regards,

  5. Dear Fightergirl 53,

    I have read your entire blog and I have to admit, I was inspired! Congrats on the weight loss! I am very excited about starting the diet but I am a little confused as to what book you used. Did you use "Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded" or "Dolce Diet: Living Lean"?

    Thank you so much!
